indexsoft Site-UP

Creating symbolic links

With indexsoft Site-UP you can create symbolic links to files and directories (only for *nix systems). Select the files and directories you are going to create symbolic links to, select the target directory in the indexsoft Site-Up menu, where the symbolic links will be created, select 'Create symbolic links' below the list of files and press the 'Create symlinks' button. Please note: after you select a file or a directory, you get the opportunity to give it a new name (the 'New name' column in the list of files). If you specify a new name for a file or a directory, the symbolic links will be created with the names you have specified.

Hot keys:

  1. select files and directories
  2. specify new names for files and directories, if necessary
  3. select the target directory in the menu, if necessary
  4. press 'Alt+Y'
  5. press 'Enter' to confirm the operation