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  • Thanks to those who helped us in testing the indexsoft mysql backups manager. Special thanks to Yuri Rassadnikov

Where are MySQL executable files are located?

Below is a list of directories (for *nix) where MySQL is most frequently installed and where the executable files mysql and mysqldump can most likely be found. If you don't know the path to your MySQL binaries, try these paths first:

  1. /usr/local/bin/
	($DumpDBCommand = '/usr/local/bin/mysqldump')
	($RestoreDBCommand = '/usr/local/bin/mysql')
  2. /usr/local/mysql/bin/
	($DumpDBCommand = '/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump')
	($RestoreDBCommand = '/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql')
  3. /usr/mysql/bin/
	($DumpDBCommand = '/usr/mysql/bin/mysqldump')
	($RestoreDBCommand = '/usr/mysql/bin/mysql')
  4. /usr/bin/
	($DumpDBCommand = '/usr/bin/mysqldump')
	($RestoreDBCommand = '/usr/bin/mysql')
  5. without path
	($DumpDBCommand = 'mysqldump')
	($RestoreDBCommand = 'mysql')

These files (mysql and mysqldump) are necessary for the indexsoft mysql backups manager to work properly. Pathes and file names of mysql and mysqldump are used in the indexsoft MySQL backups manager configuration variables '$RestoreDBCommand' and '$DumpDBCommand'.


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